My Journal

My Journal

November 23,2010

By doing this essay about cell phone radiation I so many stuff about radiation and the different type. For example before I did the essay I didn't know that cell phone radiation can damage tissue in the brain which can lead to brain cancer. I also learn the different types of radiation such as Ionizing radiation and Non-ionizing radiation. In my essay I didnt know where to stat because I didnt even know about cell phone radiation. I started by making an structure of what I'm going to start off with first.

After listening to and reading Presdient Barack Obama's Back to school Speech, it not only inspired me to be more determine in school but also to be more determine about my future and what goals I want to succed in life. While I was reading his speech there was an quote that had me thinking about my future. In the quote he states "More and more, the kinds of opportunities that are open to you are going to be determined by how far you go in school." This quote stood out to me because I feel it is true what he has said. By doing well in school and showing effort it will bring me more and more opportunities in the future. Thats something that Im going to go by for this school year. Since this is my last year Im going to put more effort into my work and show determination. By doing that I have more opportunities for college and jobs which will be an goal that I want to succed. Nothing isnt going to be easy but not doing anything isnt going to make anything better. As for me i will fight and work hard for what I want in life because noone will do it for me. In my opinion independence is the key to success as well. When I continue reading Obama's Back to School Speech it was another quote that I also inspired me.In the quote he stated "Don’t feel discouraged; don’t give up if you don’t succeed at something the first time. Try again, and learn from your mistakes. Don’t feel threatened if your friends are doing well; be proud of them, and see what lessons you can draw from what they’re doing right." This qoute caught my attention because sometimes when I dont get certain work right I feel like giving up. I notice I cant do that all because I failed once doesnt mean I cant try again. Thats why I always try again because I learn from my mistakes and I know what I got to do to make it right. Thats how you get far in life and education. Every student should be inspired and want to do better in school after hearing Obama Back to School Speech. His speech gives the motivation to want to do better then ever. In the Presdient Back to School Speech there was another quote that had made me determine to do better. In the quote he states "So, what I want to say to every kid, every young person -- what I want all of you -- if you take away one thing from my speech, I want you to take away the notion that life is precious, and part of what makes it so wonderful is its diversity, that all of us are different. And we shouldn’t be embarrassed by the things that make us different. We should be proud of them, because it’s the thing that makes us different that makes us who we are, that makes us unique. And the strength and character of this country has always come from our ability to recognize -- no matter who we are, no matter where we come from, no matter what we look like, no matter what abilities we have -- to recognize ourselves in each other." This quote

  • © Denise Bynum 2010